Current Issue
2024 Vol.61, Issue 6
Feasibility Assessment of Soil Washing Using Oxalic Acid and Potassium Iodide for Restoration of Agricultural Soil Contaminated by Arsenic and Mercury
비소 및 수은 오염 농경지토양의 복원을 위한 옥살산 및 요오드화 칼륨을 이용한 토양세척공법 적용성 평가
Min Hyeon Lee, Yo Seb Kwon, Il-Ha Koh, Si Yeon Lee, Ju In Ko, Won Hyun Ji
이민현, 권요셉, 고일하, 이시연, 고주인, 지원현
Feasibility Assessment of Soil Washing Using Oxalic Acid and Potassium Iodide for Restoration of Agricultural Soil Contaminated by Arsenic and Mercury
Optimization of Toe-up SAGD Preheating in the Athabasca Oil Sands Reservoir
아사바스카 오일샌드 저류층에서의 toe-up SAGD 예열단계 최적화 연구
Jinhyeon Baek, Namhwa Kim, Hyundon Shin
백진현, 김남화, 신현돈
Optimization of Toe-up SAGD Preheating in the Athabasca Oil Sands Reservoir
Development of Deep Learning-Based Detection Model for Borehole Breakout Depths in Image Logs
딥러닝기반 이미지로그의 압축파쇄대 심도 검출모델 개발
Hayoung Kim, Juyeol Yeom, Chandong Chang, Yeonguk Jo, Kyungbook Lee
김하영, 염주열, 장찬동, 조영욱, 이경북
Development of Deep Learning-Based Detection Model for Borehole Breakout Depths in Image Logs
Core-Scale Modeling and Simulation Study on Carbon Mineralization and Rock Property Changes Induced by CO2 Solution Injection into Basalt
현무암 내 CO2 수용액 주입에 따른 탄소 광물화 및 암석 물성 변화에 관한 코어 규모 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 연구
Soeun Yoon, Youngbin Ahn, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Jeonggyu Seo, Hosang Kim, Baehyun Min
윤소은, 안영빈, 권태혁, 서정규, 김호상, 민배현
Core-Scale Modeling and Simulation Study on Carbon Mineralization and Rock Property Changes Induced by CO2 Solution Injection into Basalt
Comparative Analysis of Global Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Standards and Guidelines in the Steel Industry
국내외 철강산업 전과정평가 표준 및 지침 비교 분석
Da Yeon Kim, Seong Jin Cho, Chang Youn Oh, Yun Mo Lee, Seo Yeon Kim, Yong Woo Hwang
김다연, 조성진, 오창용, 이윤모, 김서연, 황용우
Comparative Analysis of Global Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Standards and Guidelines in the Steel Industry